Volunteers Charter

We aim to recruit the most suitable people to work with children and young people by using fair procedures that ensure that no potential volunteer receives less favourable treatment on grounds of gender, race, disability, age or sexual orientation.

It is the commitment of thousands of volunteers that enables young people to find and develop their Christian faith as well as face the challenges that represent the transition from dependence to interdependence. In recognition of this commitment, we have developed the following “charter” which defines the responsibilities of volunteers and of the larger organisation.

The Boys’ Brigade will:

  • Provide a welcome and induction into the role volunteered for and provide support and training to carry out work with children and young people.
  • Ensure that volunteers know exactly what is expected of them and who they can go to for advice or support.
  • Accept that time commitments may change from time to time and support volunteers in saying “no” when necessary.
  • Provide a safe working environment that is free from discrimination and provide insurance cover as appropriate.
  • Keep volunteers informed of the wider work of the BB and provide opportunities to participate in national and international events.
  • Provide opportunities for volunteers to develop their skills and experience in a range of areas relating to your work with children and young people.

Volunteers are expected to:

  • Accept and work within the object and the mission of the BB and abide by the policies that underpin the work.
  • Fulfil the role they accepted when recruited and let the company captain know if for any reason they can’t do so.
  • Attend training or support sessions when appropriate.
  • Work in a way that is fair and free from discrimination with adults and young people.
  • Understand and uphold the guidelines on child protection.
  • Act in a way that is not detrimental to the image of The Boys’ Brigade.

Find out more about becoming a Volunteer

Join the Adventure

5-8 years
8-11 years
8-11 years
8-11 years