£100 Company Support
The application form should be completed and returned to: finance@thebb-edinburgh.org.uk for each request.
Details of the various funds available are listed on the reverse of the form.
As in previous years £100 can be claimed for Company Support towards recruitment and/or other Company activities in addition to the other funds available.
“Making A Difference” financial assistance
The application form should be completed and returned to: finance@thebb-edinburgh.org.uk for each request.
The M-A-D funding can be used to supply Uniforms/Awards, Camp Assistance/Events & Transport and/or a project (think outside the box!) that will “make a difference” and assist with recruitment and retention of youth and leaders.
As a guidance Companies with: 1-10 youths can request up to £150, 11-30 youths up to £350, and 31+ youths up to £500, however larger amounts will be considered for projects.
We are extremely fortunate that the above funds are there to assist Companies and should be treated as additional to fundraising carried out at local Company level.