The Battalion follows the Boys’ Brigade programme of activity designed based on the age group of each of the sections. From the age of 5 – 18 each programme will provide a range of activities that give the opportunity for our members to be recognised for their participation through awards as they progress.
The programme in each section follows 6 categories: Get Active, Get Into The Bible, Get Creative, Get Learning, Get Adventurous and Get Involved. The activities within each category vary and are designed to be age appropriate for each of our four age groups.
In Anchors, we want the children to feel part of a group, and continue to be part of this social group as they grow. Every session, will involve something different, offering games, sport, crafts, music, stories and building friendships or special days out.
Junior Section runs in a similar way, with more challenging activities to suit the older age group. They also have the opportunity to participate in Battalion level competitions or events, such as Swimming Gala, Indoor Football events. At this age our members are also given the option to attend overnight camps and residential stays.
Company Section youths continue to work through the awards programme, they also have increased opportunities available to them. Young people at this age can participate in our main events of the year, such as Beating Retreat at Edinburgh Castle, or participate in the Guard of Honour to the Lord High Commissioner. Along side all of this and the above, young people may also get involved in The Duke of Edinburgh Award.
Seniors is where we encourage our young people to look at building life skills, planning and delivering their own programmes, giving them responsibilities to encourage each other in leisure and recreational pursuits. They are also given the option to gain the Presidents Badge before moving onto the highest award in the Boys’ Brigade, the Queen’s Badge.